Sunday, May 25, 2008

Sunday Morning

I went to a yoga class lead by Sarla, she is so nice to take classes with. She is very open and has a great energy about her, and pushes you--but not too far. If you get a chance to take a lesson from her, you should. Next week she is doing a workshop for yoga and depression, not as a cure, but as a coping mechanism (Sarla is very open about her struggles with depression and how she lives with it).

...I am starting to reach a point in my life where I can't share many of my joys and goals with my family. I guess it might simply be a part of growing up. Parents say they want their children to be individuals, to be their own person, and no, they do not want to live their lives again through their offspring. Oh, but, how disappointed they are, when the life the kiddies decide to lead, is not the life they would have chosen.

Ah, well....


carolinelovesyoumore said...

subconscious expectations...i live with these every day of my life.

diana said...

give 'em a sec. they've just forgotten you're capable of making decisions without disastrous results. people in general need time to warm up to big changes.

diana said...

funny enough, I updated BEFORE I read your comment. so don't go thinking it was all for you.

although I would love to sing you some bryan adams.