Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Lazy Girl

While I have stuck to the veganism, I have however slacked terribly with yoga. I have reasons for missing, but are they reasons, or excuses? I have been plagued with sinus problems and "The Cough", and this week I have been in my period. Yes, they are excuses. I have done some practicing at home, but I have to renew my commitment. So here I say, okay, no more 'reasons.' Get my ass together, go forth, and yoga.

Today, I missed because I am keeping Piper while Lisa is out of town, and she dropped her off this morning. While it is no Sarla class, it is for sure exercise to keep up with the three dogs. but Friday. and Sunday. I will go.

I have tentativly scheduled the fast to resume sometime after we have drinks with Caroline.


Anonymous said...

I like that you wrote "in my period." Sometimes it doesn't feel like something we are "in"--a state of mind and physical feeling that we can't escape.

Yay for yoga! I keep telling myself that after my class work is done this week, I'll start doing my pilates DVDs again. I hope that we are both able to keep our word to ourselves.

By the way, you should just drink lime margaritas when you get drinks with Caroline. Then it would be close enough to the lemon drink to count as part of your fast.


Vanessa said...

THAT is good advice.