Friday, May 16, 2008

Ready, Set...

Well, failed to go to yoga this morning. I did, however, succeed making a batch of carrot cake ice cream.

I had the worst coughing fits last night, so I chugged some TheraFlu cough medicine and passed out. I felt awful for missing this morning, BUT being a sleepy-ass has forced me to develop more of a home practice. I'm starting to wonder if I will ever kick this cough, and I am feeling a bit like I have let it (or let myself use it as an excuse to) put more than a few things on hold...

Fast starts Monday.


diana said...

you know, you can do yoga in the comfort of your own home. you can also eat carrot cake ice cream immediately afterwards. actually, why don't you just bring your yoga mat and tub o' cream to my house? I won't be bothered by the coughing.

also, it sounds like allergies. get some claritin.

amycita said...

you know, i've found that it's really hard (although not impossible) to make a lot of lifestyle changes all at once. so give yourself a break! maybe during the first 30-60 days you should focus on making the change that's most important to you (which seems like the vegan diet). you could consider any yoga you do during that period to be a bonus, but not strictly necessary. once you've gotten the diet on track, then set some reasonable goals for yourself about how much yoga you should be doing per week (i'd start off modestly, like 2-3 times/week). once you've given yourself time to adjust to that routine, you can step it up a bit.

i think the most important thing to remember is to be patient & merciful with yourself. after all, if you are beating yourself up over every missed yoga class, you are kinda missing the point, right?

i know this is totally unsolicited advice from someone you don't even know, but i hope you can accept it in the spirit of solidarity in which i am offering it. i'm totally rooting for you! :)

hope you feel better soon & maybe we can hang out sometime with some of that carrot cake ice cream. yum.

anna said...

yeah, i don't know you very well either, but i would still love to help you eat some carrot cake ice cream.
and we can stretch before AND after.

april said...

i made this amazing curry dish last night that i realized was vegan, and i thought, "i need to give this recipe to vanessa!" and so i shall.

april said...

(also, per your request, i have updated my blog)

Vanessa said...

Thanks for helping me not feel like a slacker/looser.

and I will have to make a big Ol' batch of vegan ice cream to share

(possibly via airplane drop, a la flyer style--that would be amazing)

(and yes, April, you can have whole sentences in parentheses, see? Even whole paragraphs--and who is gonna stop you. Answer. No one.)