Tuesday, May 20, 2008


I went to Yoga last night, YEAH!!! And it was very good. I haven't been in a while, so today, I am super sore, but I feel good and sore.

I am also very bruised, and I don't know how or why, but I have been reading that it could be due to a or shortage of lack vitamin C and/or K. Right now, I look like I may be making an appearance on Jerry Springer soon.

Dude, the colors my skin can turn, it is something to behold.


Anonymous said...

Congrats on going to yoga! If you don't want to go on Jerry Springer to show off your bruises, you could be on an infomercial for Bare Minerals. One time they had a woman cover up half her forearm with that stuff because she had a scar. Everyone oohed and aahed. Imagine how you would dazzle everyone with all your bruises!

According to Discovery Health, bruising can also be caused by prolonged coughing. They probably just meaning bruising on your chest or throat, though, hunh? Of course, you've had quite some cough. Maybe the Cough is trying to take over your whole body!


Vanessa said...

Really, it has been nearly a month that I have had this congestion!

april said...

i think i remember hearing that people who are anemic can bruise more easily, too. i could be wrong about that, but it's pretty common for women to be iron-deficient, especially vegetarian women, so maybe that's the culprit?

diana said...

might I direct you here

to encourage you to take vitamin supplements

carolinelovesyoumore said...

If you ARE truly bruising easily...I would steer clear of lesbians attacking.