Day one had some rough patches, mostly overcoming boredom, which is still kind of an issue. I know I eat emotionally, but I didn't fully realize how connected it was to just plain old boredom. Also, I got real cold, goose pimple cold. I wore pj pants to bed for the first time since winter.
Day 2, well, I don't recommend working a 16 hr day on a fast. The lemonade in my bottle had become super spicy (the longer it sits with the lemon juice, the hotter it becomes), so I wasn't really wanting it. I gulped it down in large swigs because I knew that I needed it. It ended up that all I drank was a lot of water--I didn't even want the peppermint tea. By the end of the night I was super grumpy, but I actually was able to handle some rather crazy clients' questions with a fair amount of grace-- more than my boss said she could have when she fasted.
All this time- no bowel movements. I have a hard time drinking the "Smooth Moves" laxative tea, mainly because I can't handle that much liquorice flavor. And the saline wash, as it is called, is in actuality a whole crapload of sea salt in a 8oz glass of water... and then you are supposed to drink it. I tried, two gulps and I thought I was going to vomit. I can think about it now I feel like my head is gonna explode. There is a reason we humans don't do salt water, our bodies don't like it. This lack of dookies goes against the whole "cleansing" aspect of a fast, so I made an appointment to get a colonic.
Day 3, colonic. I went out to the place, it was very nice, as was the lady who owned it. She gave me some very good advice on fasting. She said that she fasted during her period every month (goody if you have a 3-4 day cycle, but what about us that go for 7-8?), and about eating small amounts of fruit when you come off the fast. I told her about my lemonade problem, and she recommended this powder drink that supposedly doesn't shock the body so much so you don't loose muscle mass. Unfortunately, it contained dairy, so that was a no-go. I ended up going to Whole Foods afterwards (it is an interesting experience, try it!) To find a vegan version of what she had. I was directed toward this vegan superfood thingy. It smelled good, and would probably be good in juice or a smoothy--not so much with water.

It's really kind of awful. I might be able to choke down one 8oz glass a day... maybe lemonade doesn't sound so bad after all.
1 comment:
Congrats on making it several days already. You seem really committed if you're willing to get a colonic and drink something that looks like algae in crude oil. Surely the universe will look kindly on your dedication and stop putting road blocks before you.
I can't even imagine how many pints of vegan ice cream you're going to enjoy after this fast.
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