Monday, July 7, 2008

New Post

To tell the truth, nothing too interesting has happened of late.

For the 4th of July, Brett and I traveled to Smithville, TN to see his family (and go to the Fiddlers Jamboree). His mom's family also had a HUGE fish fry. I brought food for the weekend. It wasn't as hard as it could of been, the veganism and finding sustanance, especially during the fish fry-- there were a lot of fresh veggies. The only thing that kind of blew was that I was PMS-ing hard and there was NO vegan desserts to be found... no chocolate... but lots of homemade sweets. Get me?

I had some car issues earlier in the week which made Brett and I miss yoga Monday and we were out of town Saturday morning... and I have been a tight knotted up mess all week. I didn't realize you can cramp up from NOT exercising.


carolinelovesyoumore said...

exercising is like a drug...and so is chocolate. you should give up neither. can you have dark chocolate?

Vanessa said...

I can eat certain kinds. Some, like Hershey's, have milk in them. Green and Blacks is vegan... but a lot of times vegan sweets use carob instead.

diana said...

carob is a shitty substitute for chocolate. chocolate, however, is a great substitute for just about everything.

Anonymous said...

I hope that you and your car are feeling better. If you visit Chicago, I can take you many places with vegan chocolate and vegan desserts. There's even a vegan fast-food restaurant 2 train stops away from us: Because vegans should be able to eat greasy, fried food that is ready in a snap too.
